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JS Money Market Fund (JSMMF)

Investment Objective

JS Money Market Fund (JSMMF) aims to provide a competitive return to its investors (with a periodic payout as may be set out by the Management Company) by investing in low risk, highly liquid, and short-duration portfolio consisting of money market instruments

What is JSMMF?

JSMMF is an open-end Money Market Fund which maintains a portfolio of low risk Money Market instruments. The Fund offers competitive returns versus prevailing Bank deposit rates, along with the flexibility to put in or take out your money at your convenience. JSMMF is an ideal solution for short-term savings.

Why should you invest in JSMMF?

If you are looking for secure and stable returns, with low risk, and flexibility to access your money at anytime, then JSMMF is an ideal option for you.

Term Sheet JS Money Market Fund (JSMMF)
Launch Date 03 March, 2023
Fund Type Open end Money Market Scheme
Currency PKR
Minimum Investment PKR 500
Asset Manager Rating AM2++ by PACRA
Fund Stability Rating AA+(f) by PACRA
Pricing Mechanism Backward
Front End Load upto 2% of NAV (subject to applicable duties/taxes)
Management Fee Up to 1.5%
Risk Profile Low
Listing Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX)
Trustee Digital Custodian Company Limited (DCCL)
Auditor Grant Thornton Anjum Rahman
Benchmark 70% three (3) months PKRV rates + 30% three (3) months average deposit rate of three (3) AA rated scheduled banks as selected by MUFAP

2 years performance

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