JS Momentum Factor ETF (-) | JSETF: - INAV



Investment Objective

The objective of JSIIF is to generate stable returns and ensure capital preservation over medium to long term, by investing primarily in quality Sukuks, Shariah-compliant Government Securities, Shariah-compliant Bank Deposits and other Shariah-compliant debt instruments.

What is JSIIF?

JSIIF is an open-end Shariah Compliant Income Fund, which provides fixed-income based returns, and potential for capital growth. The Fund offers enhanced returns exceeding Bank deposit rates over the medium-term, along with the flexibility to put in or take out your money at your convenience.
JSIIF is an ideal solution for short/medium-term savings.

Who can invest in JSIIF?

If you are looking for a low-risk Shariah Compliant investment with competitive and stable returns than JSIIF is a perfect option for you. Therefore, Income Fund are best suited for those investors who wish to avoid stock market volatility and instability.


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